Monday, October 30, 2006

Swimming and Talking

Molly continues to get "chattier" by the minute. She has been making lots of different D sounds. We think we have caught her calling Jim Dada, but we'll wait for more consistency before calling it officially.

She is loving her books and flips them over and over and over to look at the front and back and talk to them.

We went to the local pool last week and things went quite well. I tried it once when she was a few months old and things weren't going so well and hadn't wanted to go back. I decided to give it another chance and I'm really glad I did. She had a good time looking at all of the people and enjoyed the warm water. We went straight to pool side and I changed her in an inflatable bathtub, which worked quite well. I'm going to try and make this a weekly activity - it is so good for her muscles and bones. I will try and take some pictures one of these days.

Jim and I carved pumpkins last night and I have included a picture for your entertainment. I hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad the pool was such a great success!

and great pumpkins too!

happy halloweenie from LA!