Thursday, May 27, 2010

All better!!

Molly's arm doesn't seem to be bothering her at all anymore!  I am so happy.  It is very confusing for us as the parents to figure out exactly what happened, but clearly she hurt something and somehow she is now feeling a million percent better.  My guess is that whatever it was hurt and is probably now being splinted by the rod in that bone.  I also have a feeling there is some fear that it was going to get worse.  She is now not wearing any splint and is taking no medicine.  She used her walker yesterday for the first time and then proceeded to lift herself off the ground using her arms!  That is a wonderfully fast recovery!!

She had a great day back and school.

Some Molly quotes:
"I just laughed out bursting"

"Victor and I have decided to marry each other"
      (me: "most people wait to decide who they will marry until they are adults")
"I know, but we just couldn't wait any longer - isn't that silly!"

"Say What?"
"My poop is going to go and play with the wee wee - bye bye poop - have fun playing with the wee wee"

Monday, May 24, 2010

In STL and broke her shoulder

We have been in St. Louis for the past few days visiting Jim's family. We visited Grants Farm one day and got to feed goats and saw lots of neat animals. We had a quiet day in yesterday and while getting Molly ready for bed she was crawling and screamed. We're not sure if it is her collar bone, humerus (upper arm) or shoulder, but something is definitely broken. Thankfully we have a great sling that another OI parent made for her that seems to be working very well. We head out tomorrow and I am hoping she will do OK on the flight (with bing picked up and moved around while at the airport.

She slept through the night (we woke up to give her medicine throughout the night), which is a very good sign.