Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nutcracker Girls Night :)

Molly is doing well.  She has just started standing and walking again in the past week or so.  She was standing and just started taking steps and saying out loud "I'm doing it, I'm doing it, I made it" she walked 3-5 feet and felt a great deal of accomplishment :)

School is going well.  We went through a rough patch and she didn't want to go and was uncomfortable with the switching of her aides, but that has settled down and she is doing well.

Last night Molly and I went to see the Nutcracker with her oldest friend (since she was 18 months old) and her Mom and had a great time.  We got wheelchair accessible seats, but we brought her manual chair and she couldn't see over the guard rail.  She sat on my lap and tried their seat (like a movie theater), but couldn't really sit still.  She was up on her feet doing some improvisational dancing and then mimicking the dancers movements with extreme exaggeration it was adorable.  She was clearly very inspired.  She lost interest after 15-20 minutes, and unfortunately the show was 2 hours :).  I am really glad we went and I think in another year or two she will really enjoy it.

We also have a couple new videos up:

Playing in the rain:

Walking without her walker again: