Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rib Fracture?

Molly has a fracture somewhere. She flung her body sideways while we were holding her and she bumped her side on Jim's arm. She cried hysterically for a good half
an hour and then seemed to settle down for a little while. She was in the midst of eating dinner and became hysterical again. There is a crunching/popping thing on her left side under her armit and around her shoulderblade on that side. You can feel it with every breath.

She slept until 3 am, at which time her breathing was more of a grunt (clearly coping with the pain) so we gave her more motrin. She slept until 7 and has been crying off and on. Her breathing has been shortand shallow since this happened yesterday afternoon. Her breathing seems better when the medication has kicked in, but in between doses she is grunting more and with breathing with more shallow breaths.

Nothing can prepare you for when this sort of thing happens. Hearing her cry out in pain is the worst thing in the world. She is a trooper and has even managed to smile here and there. I hope that the recovery period for this is short.

We are seeking out advice from some other OI parents and hope to get some assurance about what we are doing. We will take her in to the orthopedist tomorrow to have a look. There isn't much they can do with rib fractures, so we have (for the time being) opted not to go to the emergency room.

Here's hoping this is a short-lived incident.

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