Thursday, December 06, 2007


I called the insurance company today to find out the status of our wheelchair request and was completely caught off guard when they told me it was approved. I called the mobility company to have them check to make sure this was accurate (before I started celebrating) and was overjoyed when they called back to confirm it had been approved. They ordered the chair this afternoon and it will be here for us to pick up on December 19th - WOW!! This is SO much sooner than we had anticipated. We are THRILLED!! This is by far the BEST Christmas present EVER!!

In other news, Molly is doing really well. Her vocabulary is just exploding and she is now stringing 3-4 words together. Today's word has been "Cute". Apparently everything is cute (including herself). She is also saying things like "I know", "I did", "Here you go".

She is walking a lot now with her walker and can go up and down a few aisles in the grocery store. She has also started trying standing without holding on to anything for a few seconds.

Jim has been busy teaching Molly some car related trivia and there is a video of her sharing her knowledge CLICK HERE.


Jen Kimball said...

It is really heartening to hear that the insurance company approved the wheelchair without difficulty - we second your yahoo!!!! Loved Molly's "car talk" video!
Mimi and Poppy

Jen Kimball said...

It is really heartening to hear that the insurance company approved the wheelchair without difficulty - we second your yahoo!!!! Loved Molly's "car talk" video!
Mimi and Poppy