Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sweetest Little Girl

I was feeling sad last night and Molly came over and said "Hold You" and then said "No cry Mommy" and "Mommy OK". It was the sweetest, cutest thing I have ever seen. She is so sensitive and is such a sweet little girl. It is one of those moments I hope to never forget.

I am having some difficulty trying to figure out how much I should be medicating her. She has been complaining of pain now and again in her legs, but also says things like "Howie Hurt Me" when sometimes he isn't even in the same room. She has been much better since receiving her Pamidronate on Friday, but still doesn't quite seem herself. She has had a cold for a while and it may just be that she isn't feeling well, but I always worry that she has pain that is not being treated.

We are starting to look at preschools for Molly for the Fall. She loves kids and it has been difficult finding opportunities for her to safely interact with her peers. We have found 1 preschool that is willing to take her and has even helped us find someone interested in being her 1:1 aide. The only down side is that we will have to pay out of pocket for the aide as well as the school. At least we have found a place willing to take her and willing to adapt the classroom to better suit her needs!

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