Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Molly!

It is hard to believe our little princess is 3!  She had a wonderful birthday party on Sunday with her two friends: Livi (almost 4), and Audrey (3).  We decorated tin purses/lunch boxes with gems and faux flowers, had sandwiches and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (which Molly requested and baked herself).  My parents were both in town for the big event, which made it even more special.

Today is her official birthday and she has been giddy and happy all day.  We bought a fabric "swing" from Ikea and it is now hanging in our family/tv room and was a very big hit.  She spins around and around and got so dizzy this morning she just sprawled out on the floor for a few minutes after getting out.  

We took down the crib on Sunday and she is adjusting to her new "big girl bed".  We bought a memory foam mattress and placed it on the floor with a fabric tent that goes over the whole thing.  She has been good at staying in and not exploring the room (we took almost everything out of the room for safety), but wakes up a  few times in the night and calls for us.  She called for me this morning around 5 and said she had fallen out.  I'm not sure if she just worried about falling out or actually fell out, but she was unharmed and back in bed when I got in there.  We have foam tiles and pillows all along the edge of the bed to cushion her if she did fall out, but it is still something we are all a bit worried about.  We were starting to worry that as active as she is that she might get her foot caught in between the rails of her crib and if she were to fall it would be a very nasty fracture.  She was also now tall enough that the crib rail hit her right at the nipple line, so we decided the risks of keeping her in the crib were beginning to outweigh the risks of being in a bed.  Two nights into it things are going well other than the fact that we are having to go in a couple of times during the night.

We went to Dr. Caudle's (the orthopedists) office today and took X-Rays of her right arm and things look very good.  We will be sending the films along to Dr. Esposito, and we are hopeful she will get the green light to start using her walker!!  HOORAY!  


Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Birthday to Molly.

Gram and Papa - St. Louis

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Molly! Hope you enjoyed your day. I would love to see pictures of her new big girl bed.
Talk to you soon,
Dottie and Nick