Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Walking a lot Falling Some

I have got to get better at keeping up with this blog!

Molly is doing OK. She is walking quite a bit - mostly at home. We finally got a lift in the van for her Power Wheelchair, which has been a wonderful "investment". We went to the children's museum last week and she drove the chair around like she has been doing in for months! She seems to intuitively know the limits of the chair. It is wonderful for her to have the independence to go where she wants for longer distances.

She has taken some spills lately and seems to have at least one fracture in her left humerus (upper arm), but so far has been comfortable enough with just ibuprofen. Her legs are also starting to bother her more and more, but so far she is able to ignore the pain and continues her walking.

We have been working on potty training and we finally seem to be on the right path. She now walks to the bathroom herself and can get herself off and on her plastic potty (the Royal Potty - Fisher Price) and we have now set up her own sink. I will be taking and posting pictures soon. We have 2 automatic soap dispensers - one with soap and one with water - so she can wash her hands all by herself. It is amazing what a difference it makes for her confidence when she can do things for herself.

School is over for the summer. She had a great few months and we are all looking forward to her having a full year there next year.

Some of her better recent quotes:

"I can't believe my eyes" (talking about something she saw at the children's museum)

"I just realized something Daddy... you forgot to give me a piece of candy"

"I want to be a different character Daddy" (playing a game on his phone)

1 comment:

Melissa Swartley said...

I'm so glad to hear that she is doing so well! Yay, for the great "investment"! Way to go on potty training and independence!!!! I hope her arm heals quickly!