Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tibia Fracture (again), but with the right splint she is a much happier girl!

We got home from Savannah last night and after we all got settled we took a look at Molly's leg (her right) and concluded that it is the Tibia and not the femur. After we got that sorted out I made a fiberglass splint that goes from below her knee around to her toes. She had a good night's sleep last night and we are now weening her off of the oxycodone.

Jim and I spent today unpacking and sorting through our massive number of boxes and Molly did a wonderful job playing by herself.

Can't wait to have some pictures to post of our new house!!


Melissa Swartley said...

Ughh!!! Not Molly too! Geez, I think there is a rash of busted legs going around with our little OI gals! I hope that the move went smoothly! Happy thanksgiving and Sonya sends her hugs to Molly to get well soon!

Magda said...

Definitely not good news :( I found out that my frinds' kids had some fractures too :(
Take care little princess

Unknown said...

My daughter is 16 now and just broke her toe walking in the snow in the backyard. I remember the many fractures when she was Molly's age. God Bless!