Monday, August 20, 2007

A Good Couple of Weeks

We have been keeping busy and Molly has been doing very well. She has started pulling to a stand all by herself! She generally stands for about 30 seconds at a time, but often will get right back up to stand again. She has also mastered climbing the stairs and can climb all the way to the second floor in no time.

We went to Maine last week and had a wonderful time. Molly got to play with other kids and had a ball. My cousins, grandparents and aunt and uncle all came into town for the weekend and it was great for Molly to have so much family around. My cousin has a 4 year old and a 10 month old and Molly loved spending time with them. We went to the children's museum in Portland with another family and Molly got to touch a star fish and some other sea creatures, which she seemed to enjoy. They had a toddler area she got to explore and she worked on her stair climbing skills.

She got to see the ocean for the first time and we went out on the boat with my Dad and watched him lobster. She would say "more" after he pulled up each trap :).

We have been back in NC for a week and my Mom has been in town to help and give Jim and I a chance to get out together. It has been outrageously hot (100+), but we have had a good week. I have been spending a lot of time researching equipment for Molly and I think we are getting closer to know what will be best for her.

We met up with another family last week and their 5 year old let Molly try out her manual wheelchair. She was able to go all around the mall with no assistance, which was fun to watch. We went to our first LPA (Little People of America) event on Saturday and got to meet a lot of nice families. We met in Roanoke Rapids and families within a two hour radius were there. There was a wide age range, which was fun to see. There were a couple of young kids and it was nice to talk with the parents and we are hoping to meet up on our own in between events.

We have a gait trainer, which is similar to a walker, that we have been trying out the past couple of days. It has wheels that can swivel all around and a harness that she can sit down in when she gets tired. It has similar functionality to an exersaucer, but is better for Molly's legs. We are hoping that this will help move us down the path to walking - we will keep you posted!

Molly has started giving us "attitude" and has lots of new facial expressions she has been trying out:

Here she is climbing the stairs - frightening, but exciting :)

Molly has lots of hats, since she is in the same clothing from last summer (3-6 months and some 6-12) I find myself buying hats to have fun playing dress-up with her:

Here we are out lobstering with my Dad on a beautiful day in Maine - I miss it already!


Mary Sassin said...

Hi everyone!

Molly has gotten so big I can't believe it. What a cutie! Sarah, she has your eyes. And that head of blond hair--wow!

Smooches all around,


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I spent some time this evening reading about Molly. She--and you and your husband--are amazing.
You will all be in my prayers.
Merry Christmas,
Herald & Review
Decatur, IL