Monday, August 18, 2008

A Long Drive to Montreal

We are here, but it was a long day of travel!  Molly was AMAZINGLY well behaved, but it was still a long trip.  

Molly was running up and down the halls after being cooped up in the car from 10:30 to 6:30.  She is in good spirits and we are hopeful that things will go well for us tomorrow.

We will be up early in the morning for a 7:30/8:00 appointment.  

We thought about leaving tomorrow night after our appointments, but have now realized that would be just too long of a day.  We'll head out on Wednesday and hopefully have a faster return to Maine.

Jim flies in on Thursday evening and we are very excited to see him again - this has been a VERY long time apart!!

My friend Bobbi and I had a great night to ourselves on Friday night and window shopped and went to a movie etc.  It was so nice to have almost 2 days of kid-free time!!  

While I was away my parents were taking care of Molly.  My Mom asked her if she would like to have fruit cocktail for dessert and Molly said "Mommy said I'm too young to have a cocktail" - too cute!!

It is late so I will try and update tomorrow night...

1 comment:

Mary Sassin said...

You write such a great blog. I love the photos, the travel details, and of course, the Mollyisms! (Did you see the "Funniest Home Video" of the twin boys who thought their Dad literally meant he would "tape them together"?) I will never look at a fruit cocktail the same way again.

Auntie M