Monday, October 18, 2010

Surgery day

Molly is having both f-d rods replaced in her femurs.

We will update the blog with news as the day goes on.

Right now we are in what Molly calls the "boring room". We will update once again when things are underway.

1:25 Molly just went back for surgery.

4:15. Still waiting, no updates yet.

4:20 I didn't wait long enough to update! Dr Esposito came by right after I hit post. Surgery is complete, both femurs have new rods. Right leg was an easy take old one out, put new one in. Left leg had the bent rod, and needed an osteotomy for the new rod. Before the surgery, we had some conversations about rodding the left humerus (upper arm bone), because it is bowed with many recent fractures. After talking to Dr Esposito, we have decided to put the humerus rod off to another day. Recovery for the femurs alone should go better this way.

Looking forward to seeing our adorable girl again.

I also forgot to mention that the new rods are both longer and wider in diameter than the previous ones. This is good, as they should be less likely to bend again any time soon.

6:15 We are up in the room with Molly. Sleeping now, and feeling some pain when she wakes up. We are hoping that the epidural works to keep things numb, and we won't have to fight any major pain with narcotics. Here's hoping!


Ruth said...

Hi, have been thinking about you all today just wondering how you are doing. Love and hugs to Molly, I'll keep checking back for any updates,bye for now Ruth

Anke said...

We are thinking about you! Love, the Arndts

Jen Kimball said...

So glad the surgery is behind you all - let the healing begin. Big kiss for Moll and hugs to you all. Mimi and Poppy

Laura said...

HI. Just checking in. Victor & Audrey have been asking about Molly. Thanks for the update. Hugs to Molly from the Kalorins!redox

Melissa Swartley said...

Thinking about you all and keeping Molly in our prayers!!!