Sunday, February 13, 2011

More Fractures and Still Smiling

Since my last post Molly has continued to have new fractures :(.  She fell quite badly on Thursday and fractured her left arm up by the shoulder.  This is the arm that is quite bowed and fractured quite badly in June of 2010.  We went to a new Dr. since our ortho has retired and the PA we love so much is now only doing Urgent Care.  The xrays showed there might be a new slight fracture up at the shoulder near the growthplate, but nothing that needed serious splinting or indicated it was time for surgery.

Friday and Saturday Molly had her infusion (Pamidronate) that we call her "happy juice".  It is AMAZING!!  She starts feeling better within a few hours while the infusion is still in progress.  I wish we had something like this that we could do every day.  She was feeling good and very active over the weekend. 

We had a good week last week until Wednesday.  In the morning she was walking and took a bad fall.  She screamed and started saying "my leg, my leg" and tears were streaming down her face.  It is so traumatic for everyone.  Molly has a college student that comes to play with Molly two mornings a week and she was here for this one.  It is so hard to see your child in pain.  I got medicine and then a splint for her left leg.  She said it was her femur (upper leg).  After the splint was on her left leg I noticed her right leg was bent and asked if she could straighten it.  It became clear that this leg was also broken.  I cannot say enough good things about her rods.  Without her rods these fractures would have been horrifically painful and difficult to splint.  Because of the rods her breaks stayed in place and her pain I would put at about 6.5 out of 10. 

She did not go to school on Wednesday and we had a quiet day at home with lots of TV (Clifford and coloring) for most of the day.  She slept well and transfers for the bathroom were relatively painless, which is a very good sign.  She went to school on Thursday and had a good day, but was tired when she got home. 

We started taking her splints off for a few minutes at a time to give her skin a break and by Friday she was happy with them off for over an hour.  On Saturday she spent the whole day without a splint and then went into the hot tub.  She is one amazing and resilient little girl.  I know to those that don't live in the world of OI it sounds crazy to go from two leg splints for femur fractures to only a couple of days later no splints and back in the water, but most of this is due to the rods in her legs working as an internal splint and the fact that she has a VERY high pain threshold. 

She started standing at the toilet for a moment or two and said things felt good.  She then tried standing at her sink and her leg gave way and started hurting at which point she wanted her splint back on.  She is now splint free, but having a little bit of pain.  This is such a dizzying ride.  I am so happy she is feeling better so quickly, but it is confusing and difficult to know how she is really feeling or what is appropriate.

We are looking forward to a good week here in NC.  It was a beautiful weekend here and we got to spend some good quality time outside, which is good for all of us.  We are looking forward to a good Valentine's day tomorrow :)

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