Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wrestlemania Here We Come!

Molly has some new tricks up her sleeve these days. She has taken to head bashing me with her forehead. When I say "No" in my sternest voice she laughs. It is so hard to keep myself from laughing, which she has learned rather quickly. Hopefully this will be a short lived phase.

She is getting stronger and is able to sit unassisted for short periods now. She is also rather vocal and is saying a lot of Na na na na and Da da da da. She has said Dada to Jim a few times now and it seems to be deliberate. I can also ask her questions at mealtime and she can answer by shaking her head or giving me the sign for "all done". It is so nice to have some two-way communication happening.

She is getting good at feeding herself and more and more of her food is in the form of finger foods. I'm hoping that we are moving towards a new part of her development that will make life a little bit less challenging.

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