Monday, January 29, 2007

A Big Week

We had a lot going on last week. My Mom arrived on Monday for a week FULL of appointments. We met with a new orthopedist on Tuesday and think that the 4th will hopefully be the charm. He admits that he is not an OI expert, he seemed interested in learning more about the new treatments for OI, and seemed to respect that we were going to go to a specialty center for her surgery. We've only met with him twice, so it's hard to have complete confidence, but hopefully we have found a good fit for us.

We met with a new PT on Thursday and are considering changing to her as well. It is hard for me to leave our current PT after being with her for a year, but I think that Molly will benefit from the change.

Jim and I also had the opportunity to get out of the house at night with some friends while my Mom was here and that was so nice.

I am feeling anxious about the fact that we don't have things in place yet for Molly's surgery. There is a chance that she won't have the surgery for another 6 months, but there is also the chance that she could have it next week. If she fractures her femur, then we will go ahead and have her femurs and tibias rodded at that point. We don't have a relationship with the surgeon we think we're going to use, so until we have done that there is a chance that he won't operate if she fractured now. We have put a call in to Omaha (where we're planning to go for her surgery), but are waiting to make arrangements. It seems that we will be making two trips to Omaha in the next 6 months or so.

I'm not looking forward to the surgery, but I am looking forward to her having rods in place. The rods will help her so much. They will strengthen and straighten her legs and they will stabilize any fracture, which will help to minimize the pain. Lots of benefits.

We bought Molly an exersaucer on Thursday. I had one, but didn't think she'd ever be able to use it, so I returned it. We also got her a little seat for the floor. And the most exciting purchase, according to Molly, is a swing for outside. She LOVES it!! There is a video CLICK HERE to see her swinging

She was able to put some pressure on her feet in the exersaucer, which is exciting and scary all at the same time. She is getting stronger and more mobile by the minute - very exciting!

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