Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Settling In

Our flight home was long, but thankfully both flights took off on time. We couldn't get the car seat unclipped from the first flight and they had to cut the seatbelt in order to break it free! We rushed through the Dallas airport to get to our second flight and arrived to hear them say that they didn't have seats for us. This was extremely frustrating since we had confirmed our flights and seats the day before. Thankfully they "found" seats for us on the plane, unfortunately they were in the last row on the plane.

We were so happy to get home. Everyone had a good night's sleep and Molly only woke up once, took some pain medication and went right back to sleep. She was tired, but in good spirits on Sunday.

We took her splints off yesterday and kept them off for a few hours to give her skin some air, in hopes of avoiding pressure sores.

Last night was a bit rough. She didn't want to go to sleep and was complaining of pain. After 40 minutes of patting and rocking she finally fell asleep. She woke up around 2:30 complaining of pain. We gave her medicine and took her splints off to check for pressure sores.
Everything looked OK, so it is hard to know what was going on. Jim and I had to take turns the rest of the night lying on the floor with her. She wasn't all that fussy, but couldn't seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.

We went to see Dr. Caudle, our local orthopedist, and they removed her bandages and said everything looked good. She has the beginning of a pressure sore forming on one of her ankles and seems fairly comfortable without the splints on, so they recommended we not put them back on. We'll keep the arm cuff on her upper arm for another several weeks while the bone heals. She hasn't had the splints on since 10 this morning and seems to be doing OK.

No splints is another big step on our recovery path. Here's hoping we all have a better night's sleep tonight. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! We're glad to hear that Molly is doing so well. We wish her a very speedy recovery, and we look forward to visiting you all soon.
Casey & Jeff