Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ups and Downs

Molly has been in good spirits for the most part, but we have had some bad days. I think some of the days were because we dialed down her pain medication and sometimes she needed more than I was giving her. She has had some pain complaints in her feet and fingers. On several occasions she has burst into tears during a meal and complained of pain in her finger, but when I ask her to point to where the pain is she says "it's fine".

She was playing with her developmental therapist yesterday and tried to stand up and screamed out in pain. I contacted Dr. Esposito and he said there was a chance she bent the rod, but most likely things would be OK. We went and had X-Rays taken just to be sure. The local ortho felt that everything looked OK, but we are waiting to hear from Dr. Esposito for confirmation.

Molly has been in relatively good spirits today, with the exception of some toddler tantrums. She scared us today a few times crying out because of a finger and then Howie (our pug) jumped up on her feet while she was in the highchair. My nerves are shot, but she is holding up well.

Jim is in California for work and his mom, "Gram", is here to help.

We realized that French Fries are apparently called "French Eyes", which we think is very cute. She has been doing a lot of pretend play and really likes pretending to cook food and say "it's hot, hot, hot" and loves to pretend to drive on the school bus and have her toys get on the "bus" with her.

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