Sunday, November 12, 2006

Videos Galore....

We have had a wonderful weekend with our little cutie. Jim was "Super Dad" and gave me a lot of time out of the house. I love our baby, but it is VERY nice to have a break. I love being able to go to the bathroom when I need to and eat when I'm hungry etc. These are the times when you know you have a great husband!

She is starting to copy our actions more. Yesterday's trick was the tongue. She would stick hers out and move it side to side and wanted us to do the same. She then would stick it out on command - adorable. But, today is a new day and she is no longer doing her tongue tricks - that is SO yesterday Mom...

One of her new favorite activities is to "dance". We hold her facing out and move side to side and she kicks like CRAZY. She has the biggest grin on her face every time - it's adorable!

We had our first water therapy appointment on Friday and had a wonderful time. The pool was 94 degrees and she loved it. We were in there for a full hour and she was happy as can be. It was so nice to get suggestions and to have someone in the pool to do activities with. I am already looking forward to our next visit :)

Guess that's all for now. We will be busy all this week getting ready for our big trip North.

Video #1 - Dee Dee Dee CLICK HERE

Video #2 - Molly Playing with her tray CLICK HERE

Video #3 - Molly Learns to Nod CLICK HERE

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