Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Molly's first 4th

This was another good weekend for the Sullivan Crew :). Molly has been quite a cutie. She has now found her feet and finds it interesting to grab them over and over and over again. I made sweet potatoes this weekend and yesterday she tried them for the first time. We got a funny face for the first taste and then she dove right in. It seems we have a good eater on our hands.

The sleep battle continues, but Jim's patience is paying off now and again. Molly seems to prefer going to sleep for him. This is definitely one area of parenting that he is WAY better at than me!! It is frustrating that more often than not she will refuse to nap for me at all and then when Jim swoops in she turns into a sleeping champ. Night time is a battle of the wills and typically ends when she has finally exhausted herself! We are working on building a night-time routine and then we will try the letting her cry thing again - ugh.

She is getting stronger and stronger and seems to be feeling well - oh how we love being off of that codeine.

I hope you all had a nice 4th. It is so ridiculously hot here that we just watched from our window through the trees - not much to see, but at least we weren't outside melting.

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