Friday, April 20, 2007

Restless, but Healing Well

Molly's legs are doing well and she has even started moving her right leg, splint and all.

She was up crying every 45-60 minutes all night long. This restless night made for a a somewhat irritable girl today. Tonight has been a similar night with her up crying every 30 minutes or so. We are exhausted. To add more stress to our lives Jim seems to have come down with a horrible stomach bug and has been getting sick since coming home from work.

I am SO tired. I am hopeful that Molly will settle in for the rest of the night and I can get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I am so happy that her leg is healing so well, I just hope we can get her to get some sleep. I am also hoping that she won't get whatever Jim has.

I'm sure this is just a small bump in the road, but I sure hope it is behind us soon.

On a good note... she fit in her swing with her splints on and had a blast out swinging today - HOORAY!

Good Night :)

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